Beej (Bija) Seed Mantra
Mantra is a sound used in meditation or yoga practice. Chanting mantras is a branch of yoga that leads to deep meditation. The repetition of mantras to deepen the meditative aspects is called “Japa”. In Hinduism, the word representing the complete mantras of all the gods and goddesses is called Beej Mantra. The essence of all Vedic mantras is considered to be the Beej mantras.
The Beej mantras (Seed Mantra) are the most basic of primitive mantras in general; They are Sanskrit one-syllable sounds, which can be attached to a long mantra to increase its power and quality.
In yoga, Sanskrit mantras or sounds are used to activate the body’s centerline, channels, energy centers, or main chakras.
What is Beej (Bija) Mantra?
Beej Mantra is known as Vedic Beej Mantra is a syllabic word and main mantra, and sounds endowed with great spiritual powers, composed of root letters of Sanskrit letters. These are often referred to as the audible seed version of all deities prominently in Hinduism.
Here ‘Bija‘ means ‘seed’ and the literal meaning of ‘mantra’ is ‘thought’ or ‘contemplation’. ‘Mantrana’ and ‘Mintri’ are words made from this root. Mantras are also a type of speech, but like ordinary sentences, they do not put us in bondage but free us from bondage.
Beej Mantra is a shortened form of the whole Mantra, just like sowing a seed produces a tree, similarly chanting of Beej Mantra produces different types of Mantras. One experiences immense spiritual power by chanting the Beej Mantra during meditation.
Beej mantras are single-syllable words that have very short sounds and can never be pronounced when learned correctly. However, it can be combined with a longer mantra to increase its power and quality.
In other words, the essence of all Vedic mantras is considered to be the Beej mantras. The biggest Beej Mantra in Hinduism is “Om”. Beej Mantra is that short form of any Vedic Mantra that used with Mantra acts as a catalyst. Beej mantras can be known as the life force of all mantras, using which mantras become more powerful.
Some of the beejakshars are as follows:- Om, Kreem, Shrim, Harun, Hreem, Aim, Gam, Fraun, Dam, Bhram, Dhu, Hali, Trim, Ksraun, Dham, Hm, Ran, Yam, Ksham, Tan, Ye Appearingly small Beej Mantra contains many words inside itself. All the above Beej Mantras are extremely beneficial which are combined with other Beej Mantras and represent different deities.
All these mantras letters are derived from the OM mantra and the names of Panchparameshthi, Tirthankaras and Yaksha-Yakshinis as propounded in this mantra.
The origin of Bija Mantras
The origin of these beejakshars (mantras letters) is mainly from the “Om” mantra, because the sounds of the mother originate from this mantra. In all this, the main ‘O’ is the seed, this self-expressive is the fundamental.
Mantra has three parts – form, seed and fruit. In all the types of Bija mantras, OM mantra or any subtle element derived from it remains in the form of seed.
Similarly, the more subtle beejakshars that are enshrined in other mantras by the subtle act of a Beej mantra, the more power of those mantras increases. Repeated chanting of Beej Mantra is like waking up a sleeping person again and again. Seeker develops spiritual energy within himself by the friction of Beej Mantras and their sounds.
Benefits of Beej (Bija) Mantras
The chanting of Beej Mantras creates a specific frequency in specific energy centers in our body. The chanting of Beej Mantras generates a special range of sound waves around you and activates energy centres, called chakras.
By chanting the Beej Mantra, mental concentration increases, intelligence is sharpened, good thoughts come in the mind, man gets moral strength. It is this mental strength and moral force that contributes to a healthy body, mind and spirit.
‘Beej Mantra Sadhana’ is a spiritual remedy for material obstacles. It strengthens you spiritually. They connect with God for better spiritual expansion, and at the same time helps in our spiritual transformation.
Divine recitation of Beej Mantra produces sound wave, which vibrates up to the gross and subtle parts of the body. Due to this, the subtle body of the person becomes active and starts giving powerful results.
Regular rehearsal of Beej Mantras also eliminates negative thoughts from the person’s mind. If you chant the Beej Mantra every day sitting at a certain time and place in a sattvik form, then your self-confidence increases, helps to stabilize the unnecessary movement of the mind, as well as develops an optimistic attitude in you which is essential for life.
Beej Mantras Or Bija Mantras
There are many Bija Mantras but the best known Bija Mantras is Om (or Aum) that can be chanted during yoga practice and meditation. Some common bija mantras include:
Om is the best known bija mantra , the Supreme Consciousness, the sound of Brahman, or the Vedas.
In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Om has been described as the way to reach God through worship. In different sects it is popular by the name of Omkar, Sama, Namokar.
The pronunciation of Om produces vibrations and sounds in the body which can be felt in the vocal cords and pulse. If it is uttered with full tension, it opens the pores of the body, from which the sufferings come out.
The meaning of Kreem is as follows – Goddess Mahakali, destroy the sorrows.
Kreem is the Beej Mantra of Kali Mata and it is also called a Mahamantra because this Beej Mantra has tremendous power and the chanting of this miraculous and superpowerful Mantra helps to remove sorrows from life.
Kundalini awakening can be done with Kreem Beej mantra. Therefore, it will be very beneficial for the seekers of Kundalini Yoga to chant this mantra to awaken Kundalini.
This Bija Mantra associated with Goddess Laxmi. Shreem Mantra chanting is helpful for living a prosperous and remove sorrows.
Hroum Bija Mantra is associated with Lord Shiva.
It is beneficial to chant this mantra of Lord Shiva to wish for happiness, peace and wealth.
Klim – it is called Kama Beej – it means – Lord Krishna in the form of Kama Dev give me happiness and good fortune.
This (Klim) is monosyllable Beej Mantra, it is called Kama Beej, it is not chanted alone. Om Hreem is chanted in front of Klim Shrim or in other form. Its deities are Kali, Shri Krishna, and Kama Dev. Its place is Muladhara. That is, in this mantra of ours, Om affects the center of mental power i.e. Agaya Chakra.
Hreem is the Beej Mantra of Maa Baglamukhi and it destroys the enemy and the seeker gets all kinds of success.
The Beej Mantra of Lord Ganesha is ‘Gam’. The chanting of the mantra- ‘Om Ganapataye Namah’ containing these is very fruitful. It is believed that chanting this mantra fulfills all the wishes. Chanting of Gam Mantra leads to economic progress and prosperity.
For attainment of all kinds of happiness and opulence in life, Lord Vishnu should be worshiped with “Dam” Beej Mantra.
Mother Saraswati is the goddess of learning whose seed mantra is “Ayeim”. Chanting Beej Mantra, the seed of Maa Saraswati, proves to be effective for success in examinations and for success in all kinds of intellectual tasks.
Beej Mantras frees us from any kind of disease, any kind of fear, any kind of worry and all kind of attachment. If we want to be free from fear or sin for any kind of hindrance, for hindrance, for peace, for destruction of calamity, then the Beej Mantra should be chanted.
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